





1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good physical and mental health. Undergraduate admission requires high school graduation or equivalent, and applicants are aged 18-40 years old for academic degree students and 18-60 years old for non-degree students.

2. HSK4 and above is required by programs taught in Chinese. Students applying for English-taught programs must be from a native or official English-speaking country or graduated from an English-taught program or have an English proficiency of IELTS 6.0, TOEFL 70, or Duolingo English Test 100 or above.





1. 入学申请表

2. 护照照片页(学习期限为6个月以上的申请者请确保护照有效期在18个月以上)

3. 最终学历证明

4. 最终学历成绩证明

5. 最终工作证明(限有工作经历者)

6. 外国人体格检查表(6个月之内,请下载打印表格模板,填写完成并手写签字后上传)

7. 经济担保书及经济担保人身份证明材料(请下载打印表格模板,填写完成并手写签字后上传)

8. 在华事务担保书及在华事务担保人身份证明材料((请下载打印表格模板,填写完成并手写签字后上传)

9. 照片(白色背景,3cm*4cm)

10. 无犯罪记录证明


1. 以上短期学生申请材料。同时需满足:应持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且最近4年(截至入学年度的4月30日前)之内有在外国实际居住2年以上的记录(一年中实际在外国居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准)。

2. 银行存款证明(折合人民币30000元以上)

3. 1 新生申请本科学习者

3.2 插班申请本科学习者










1. 所有申请材料必须以扫描件形式上传,中文以外的材料须附官方出具的中文译文。申请人保证所有的申请材料真实、准确。

2. 申请材料不完整者,我校将不予受理;必要时,我校会要求申请人提交补充材料。

3. 未满18周岁的申请人请提供监护人身份证明材料及监护人保证书。

4. 如果学生目前在中国国内学习还需要提供以下材料:


—带有入境章的护照扫描页, 居留许可页或X2签证页;

5. 申请奖学金资格的学生,在报到时需出示所有申请材料的原件供复核。复核不通过者,奖学金资格将被取消。

Required Supporting Documents



Chinese Language learning / Study tour (Winter or Summer camp) /

Chinese Cultural Experience

1. Application form for admission

2. Passport photo page (for applicants with a study period of more than 6 months, please ensure that the passport is valid for more than 18 months)

3. Proof of Final academic certificates

4. Proof of Final academic transcripts

5. Proof of Final employment (for those with work experience only)

6. Physical examination form for foreigners (within 6 months, please download and print the form template, complete it and upload it with your handwritten signature)

7. Letter of support and proof of support of the financial guarantor (please download and print the form template, complete it and upload it with your handwritten signature)

8. Letter of guarantee for affairs in China and proof of identity of the guarantor for affairs in China (Please download and print the template of the form, fill in the form and upload it with handwritten signature)

9. Photograph (white background, size: 3cm*4cm)

10. Certificate of no criminal record

Academic Programs

1. The application documents above

2. Certificate of bank deposit (equivalent to more than RMB 30,000)

3.1 Freshmen applicants for undergraduate studies

3.2 applicants as a transfer for undergraduate studies

High school diploma or pre-graduation certificate (notarized)

Transcripts of all courses taken at the high school level (notarized)

HSK Level 4 Certificate (for programs taught in Chinese)

HSKK intermediate certificate or language test after enrollment (for programs taught in Chinese)

 College diploma (notarized)

Transcripts of all courses at the college (notarized)

HSK Level 4 Certificate (for programs taught in Chinese)

HSKK intermediate certificate or pass a language test after enrollment (for programs taught in Chinese)


1. All application documents must be uploaded as scanned copies, and materials in languages other than Chinese must be attached with officially issued Chinese translations. The applicant warrants that all application materials are true and accurate.

2. Incomplete applications will not be accepted by TSU; if necessary, the applicant will be asked to submit additional documents.

3. Applicants under the age of 18 are required to provide proof of guardianship and guardian guarantee. 

4. If the student is currently studying in China, the following documents are also required:

-Certificate of completion or transfer and transcripts of courses studied in China;

-Scanned page of passport with entry stamp, residence permit page or X2 visa page;

5. Students applying for scholarships are required to present the original copies of all application materials for review of eligibility upon arrival. Failure to pass the review will result in disqualification of the scholarship.










1. 语言生符合条件者直接录取。

2. 学历生进入院系专业审核,审核通过后录取。







Admission Procedures

Basic procedure: Submission of Application -Documents Review - Agreeing to Admission - Issuance of Admission Notice and the “Visa Application Form for Foreign Students to Study in China” (JW202/201) - Applying for Visa – Registration




1. Applicants are required to fill in the “Application Form for Studying in China” online as required.

Email for inquiry: tsxysie@tsu.edu.cn       

Application URL: https://gjjyxy.tsu.edu.cn/


2. Documents review

1. Language students who meet the conditions will be admitted directly.

2. Degree students are admitted to the corresponding program for professional review and are admitted after the review.

The “Admission Notice” and the “Visa Application Form for Study in China” (JW202/201) will be issued. (Note: If required by the specific program, the supplementary materials or interviews will be conducted. )

3. Visa application

The admitted applicant should apply for a visa to study in China (X) at the Chinese Embassy (Consulate) in the host country with the originals of his/her passport, Letter of Admission, Visa Application Form for Study in China and Foreigner Physical Examination Form, and should enter the country with the originals of the above documents.

4. Registration

Within 30 days from the date of entry, international students must go through the residence procedures in China with their passports, Admission Notice, three 2-inch bareheaded photos, Visa Application Form for Foreign Students in China and Verification Certificate of Foreigner Physical Examination.

TSU Undergraduate Scholarship